At Novum & Binn , we are committed to offering the best prices on a wide selection of books. Our Price Promise guarantees that if you find a lower price on our products at another retailer, we will do our best to match or beat that price.
Here are some things you should know about our Price Promise:
- We will include delivery charges when comparing prices.
- The product on our competitor's site must be identical to the product on our site.
- Both Novum & Binn and the competitor must have stock ready for delivery.
- The offer is not transferable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions.
- Unfortunately, we are unable to offer price matching for products purchased on finance.
As one of the leading book retailers, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best deals and discounts on a wide variety of literary genres, including fiction, non-fiction, best-sellers, and more. If you find a lower price on a book you're interested in, don't hesitate to let us know. Simply fill in the form provided, and one of our customer service team members will get back to you as soon as possible.